Ride Sally Ride is a fictional novel written by Douglas Wilson about the distant future year of 2024. It begins in an epoch of significant division and factionalism occurring within the United States and describes a series of events leading up to the dissolution of the Union. It is not a novel of war, nor is it focused on the drama of powerful politicians. Rather, it begins with a young Christian man in Denver suffering unreasonable prosecution by the local political establishment for doing what he believes is right. While it was written quite recently, the book is by no means prescient. Still, it’s an interesting novelization of current events, and the way in which small deviations can easily spiral out of control.
The United States is divided between the Free States of the heartland region of the US where policies such as free-expression democratic rule of law and reasonable cultural standards are upheld. Alternatively there are those states possessed of what we would now call the “Woke Mind Virus” that has corrupted their institutions and caused violent radicalism among the highest offices. Colorado is one such corrupted state in the US. The story begins when a young man throws the sex-doll into a garbage compressor after which he is subsequently charged for intentional homicide because the doll had been identified as a spouse. Things escalate from there and quickly get out of hand until entire neighboring states (Wyoming in this case) begin to take action.
The book represents a fascinating examination of the cultural status quo and has a number of insightful statements to make on the topic. Things like Natalism, violent progressive extremism, the nature of Truth and the failures of modern Christianity are all discussed in depth. The author is a pastor and is clearly speaking to the choir in the text, but that in no way lessens the value of the literature. A take on literature that is honest and godly is a rare thing in the current day and age and the book ought be highly recommended to potential readers. Ride Sally Ride does something that few science fiction authors of the modern era have been able to do: delve into modern sociology and theology without coming off as overly patronizing.
The book does stray into fantasy toward the end; progressive losers taking one on the chin without throwing a violently childish temper-tantrum is difficult to suspend ones disbelief for. Still, it represents a narrative arc that has rarely been explored by modern authors. The book is highly recommended for those who wish to understand the progressive mindset more thoroughly and how their past social traumas tend to lead to their abuse of others. It’s also an excellent take on how civil strife in the United States may begin as it’s likely to be over something small that represents a no-compromise issues for both the morally righteous and the progressively childish and indignant.
The author is forward thinking and completed the work in 2020. Which is probably for the best as the Covid Pandemic would doubtless have been a plot point were it published a year later. As it stands, that flash-in-the-pan historical event is summarily ignored in the text resulting in it actually being more representative of the modern mid 2020s.
Strong recommendation to read, especially for those who are Christian or hold Christian values, but still recommended for every one else.
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