Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Copernicean Kelly

Academic Agent recently did an excellent video on Tony Blair's new book, On Leadership. The Dark Lord appears to be going explicitly post liberal, and accepting that leadership beyond the Dunbar limit must utilise mythology, NOT reason/ratio-nality.

In the comments section, there was a conversation about how most myths today are Gnostic. This resonated. It occurred to me that all exoteric forms must be dualistic. When we can no longer penetrate past the surfaces to the meaning underlying them, we can no longer access the Unified Source underneath those dualistic narratives.

So my interpretation of what you say here, as one on a Confucian Qur'an loyal non religious branch of humanity:

"Just as brothers of the same family lineage can be incompatibly different, so too can different lineages be brothers in Christ yet incompatibly culturally distinct. To preempt any attempt by the decrepit historical Christian Right to consume the modern dissident right, we must synthesize arguments that before God peoples can be of divine spirit while remaining distinct. A Christian Somalian is not an Irish Catholic and equating the two as spiritually identical is fundamentally wrong. Rather humanity is a vast tree stretching to the heavens, not all branches will crest the clouds, and knotting them together into an indistinct bundle will ensure none of them do."

...is that this too will fail if those in charge of any such synthesis interpret John 14:6 too shallowly. This leads straight to Liberalism or similar once again, because it will simply not be able to account for all the branches from the One Root.

Ponder this from an Indigenous point of view as well, utilising an inverted Tree Of Life image whose roots are in Heaven, with branches stretching towards/into the Earth: some branches also do not go as deep into embodied grounding and connection/nourishment. Imperial myth and deus based leadership/solidarity is different from ancestry, Country and Lore based authority structures.

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That's a great way to describe the meaning that I was attempting to tease out. Thanks. It really is hard to convey that different peoples can remain fundamentally different under the auspice of the same god. It's taken-for-granted under many modern Christian doctrines that peoples are interchangeable. I see that as a corruption of Christianity by materialistic progressivism. The materialists want to believe that peoples are interchangeable cogs, and so take the position that possession of a divine soul or spark by-definition renders peoples identical. A mans heritage will color his soul through life, and it cannot be swapped for the soul of another people because they are not identical things.

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It is hard under exclusively Christian narratives. It is less hard under Qur'anic ones, which I believe can encompass Christian ones when the Qur'an is seen as critique of ALL stuck exoterisms (idolatries - Muslim too).

Christian branches (in Tree of Life orientation) have more trouble reaching down into Earth, because Graeco-Christian tradition biases the Heavenly as the image of the Source. But the Source created both Heaven and Earth.

Another area illustrating this: Qur'anic and Indigenous skillful usage of vengeance and "Eye in place of an eye", even as there is recognition of genuine forgiveness as a good path. Maligning Earthly vengeance as always and everywhere leading "all to be blind" doesn't help men stuck in women's approval dependent nice guy mode.

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Sep 16Liked by Copernicean Kelly

Christendom was never meant to be liberal. Modern milquetoast professing Christians often sweat fealty to liberalism and modernity above virtue, Truth, justice, duty, and God’s design for mankind. They need to check their priors. The Kingdom of God is much preferable to the Managerial Bureaucracy of Globohomo Man. All Christians recognize that the World is the dominion of darkness, we have been saved from this and brought into the Kingdom of Light. And they also know to judge the fruits of anything, including a society. Yet our Government of Man is clearly leading to evil fruits proliferating and good fruits being choked out, clearly this American government/Western civ is under sway of the Dominion of Darkness. And yet somehow touching the foundations of this rotten house is considered reprehensible? Democracy is not in the Bible, the 19th Amendment in not in the Bible, the United Nations is not in the Bible, secular public schools are not in the Bible, global corporations are not in the Bible, DEI is not in the Bible. These are false idols which no Christian should swear fealty to.

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Sep 22Liked by Copernicean Kelly

Confucianism is a massive direct threat to Liberalism. It is holistic and harmony focused, non ideological/non-heaven biased, and unashamedly hierarchical. And It may be an indirect threat to Christianity too unfortunately, if not parsed out well, for different reasons.

Anyway, both may account for some of the US's fear and warmongering about a rising China.

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It's interesting to read this right after writing a suggestion for mainsteam conservatives to co-opt leftist ideas (particularly from Rawls) and recontextualize them for our political goals (many of which are popular with those on the centre-left). I don't see liberalism failing as quickly as this book suggests, but I think that's a good thing. The dissident right is still exploring ideas and arguing amongst ourselves of the worth of these concepts we've rediscovered and created. We need the time to plan and think until we form a cohesive philosophy that can project power.

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We've left the era where discussing our ideas is unheard of/taboo and are now in the phase where we're figuring out which ideas will best carry us into the future. that's why I'm working on a series of articles describing 'holistic civilization' so that we have a weathervane to point ourselves toward.

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