How Feminism Will Finally End
Female psychology and social media will combine for some interesting consequences
Between 1950 and 1970 women flooded into the western work force. This occurred for many reasons, but chief among them was corporate propaganda and a general dissatisfaction with life that women were experiencing at the time. To properly understand the flaws of modern feminism and its apocalyptic consequences, it is necessary to examine the original impetus for it.
Feminism in its modern form exists due to two primary driving influences.
The boredom of housewives in the 1950s and 1960s
A corporate interest in doubling the workforce thereby halving pay for workers
Both are coming to a head as feminism in its modern form has been so detrimental for the general population. Women’s empowerment became a trade of slaving away in for your family to slaving away for your boss in the corporate office. The contract between genders has effectively been scrapped and women are suffering from severe mental illness while many men have given up on relationships entirely.
Feminist ideology has been misguided from the start, but the fruits of its destruction are now plainly visible to every one. Thus, we are going to examine in this article how it is that the ideology of feminism will eventually die.
In the early 1950s, the house work of life, traditionally performed by women, became partially automated with dramatically increasing levels of automation over time. By the 1960s and 1970s work within the home for women without children dropped from five to six hours a day to a mere one or two. That included cleaning, making food, and performing basic tasks like laundry.
Good for them! Less time to work, more time to play.
Historically women would expend their spare time community building while the men worked. Women would be the ones who arranged meetings with their neighbors, community events, picnics, and similar activities. In the 70s, some women were in a position to utilize their extra time each day to instead work on community building, but not most.
Enter, the suburbs. Unfortunately most women at the time were not in a position to engage in local relationship activities (what men would call drama) and community building. Instead they were confined to the suburbs, soulless cookie-cutter construction where the formation of community is extremely difficult for a myriad of socio-psychological reasons. Women generally entertain themselves through the creation of community and all the inherent relationship drama within… that’s why The Sims is chief among videogames popular with women. The suburbs became limiters to the formation of communities, and without that, women got bored.
The bored housewife of the 1950s, the automated kitchens of the 1960s and the birth control pill of the 1970s created a perfect storm to liberate women from their traditional morays in society. Women flooded the work force [halving wages]. Women flooded into the halls of power [eliminating justice for equity] and women flooded out of marriages [creating generations of criminals raised by single mothers]. The late 20th century was a golden age for the feminist movement.
Here stand we now, at the conclusion of the first quarter of the 21st century bearing witness to all of the fantastic achievements of modern feminism. Women can vote. Women are expected to slave away for their boss in an office. Women displace men at universities on behalf of equity over equality. Racial relations are worse than they’ve been in 30 years and angry old hags screech about female objectification while young girls dye their hair purple and objectify themselves on OnlyFans for a quick buck. The gender contract is broken and dating is worse than it’s ever been. Women are more mentally ill now than ever before in history, and men are more disengaged in our society since we started measuring. Truly the feminist golden age… The 2020s express a complete victory of that ideology.
So how is it going to end?
We are already starting to the beginning of the popular cultural revolt. There’s an entire trend on short-form-video where young women express exhaustion with modern work and dating culture. Go to school. Go into debt. Get a white collar job. Become a Girl Boss [TM]. Then get married, have kids if you want to. Slave away for your employer for 30 years barely-paying-the-bills and retire.
In a world where working full time barely pays for a small apartment, much less a family, selling young women on going into the work force is getting a lot harder. The equity push is also not providing a whole lot of benefits as young women learn that being a man is hard and being expected to do that for 40 or 50 years is pretty miserable. Especially for young women that want to start a family, or build an actual home and community for themselves.
The push to add women to the draft isn’t helping.
In a world where women can’t work, a lot of women will protest for the right to work. In a world where almost all women must work to survive and can’t afford the time for a family of their own, you can bet that there’s going to be a backlash.
More importantly, women aren’t bored any more. The rise of social media is itself going to be the end of feminism. Whether feminists choose to admit it or not. One of the main drivers of women entering the work force was, let’s be honest, suburban boredom. It was one thing when women had to work in the home as much as men had to work out of the home to stay alive. It was one thing when women were able to form communities and entertain themselves with relationships and gossip while the men were away doing survival things.
Women and men developed over a million years to be two halves of a household. The men out working farms and hunting while women performed child rearing and politicking on behalf of the clan. With the destruction of the clan in western cultures, the universal prevalence of nuclear families, and the isolation of suburban life styles, the inherent isolation and boredom forged the feminist movement. Idle hands are the devils tools and all that.
With the rise of social media, both men and women are finding new outlets for their personal needs. Men predominantly use the digital space to fulfill community needs with the bro’s online via digital gaming, and sexual needs via pornography [an unfortunate fact that’s been written on extensively]. Women frequently use digital spaces to fulfill their natural needs for community and petty entertainment. Women no longer feel the need to show up at the office and slave away for a corporate boss because their communities are not defined by workspaces. Rather, modern women define themselves by the digital communities that they take part in. X [twitter], discord, facebook, tiktok and instagram all fulfill this need for community without the need to ever leave the house.
Thus, the feminist push to get women out of the home has been losing traction. With the advent of the pandemic in 2020 it became self-evident to the entire population that community engagement no longer required physical dislocation. Since then it has become apparent to most young women that if they’re able to stay at home and keep the house while their man worked… there was no reason not to do just that. Women want to be loved and cared for and have stable relationships and a strong community. Men want to lead and provide for their families.
The suburban home is an expensive artificial construct reminiscent of an era now long gone. People of the modern age prefer high density housing due to price and due to the community benefits when living in close proximity. The economic decline across the world has resulted in substantial household stress. It’s no longer reasonable for a young couple making average incomes to purchase a suburban home. This has led to more creative modes of living in smaller spaces. While not conducive to forming families, it is conducive to forming communities.
Small communities of like-minded people are forming despite the best efforts of the woke progressives who despise functional community-building. The need for community membership among the female population is therefore declining due to economic factors as well as social factors.
The final nail in the coffin of modern feminism is the total breakdown that feminism has caused in the dating culture. Women are treated as disposable while young men are shit on as useless in their roles as providers. This has led to a withdrawal by both sexes from the dating market.
Many young men simply won’t date a woman who refuses take on the feminine role of a relationship. Many young women don’t want to date useless men who claim that by being worthless slobs they’re helping with female empowerment. The “Male Feminist” has become an entirely disgusting trope among the zoomer generation. Expect that trend to only grow.
Political beliefs are over 60% heritable, give or take. The only people who are going to be having children in one more generation are going to be decidedly anti-feminist. Those that are pro-feminist simply aren’t going to procreate in sufficient numbers for it to matter. Ultimately it is truth, technology, economy and female nature that are going to kill feminism. Its total destruction will likely take another century or two, but we’re already seeing a radical revolt against its ideals. Feminism creates an environment antithetical to itself.
In conclusion, feminism will not die with a catastrophic cultural revolution [as much as feminists fetishize books like The Handmaid’s Tail], it will die with a the groaning of old cat-ladies whose ideas of independence and girl power have been rendered entirely irrelevant by economic, technological, and ancient evolutionary forces. The adventure of our civilization into feminist ideals will likely be seen as a bizarre footnote in history about what not to do in a few hundred years.
Until then, the catastrophic demographic decline and cultural disasters wrought by feminist ideology will be something we’ll have to deal with. It’s probably going to be pretty ugly, and definitely petty.
I agree with a lot of what you've written here. I was sucked into some aspects of feminism, but always hated the "girl boss" stuff. Sam Vaknin argued that mainstream feminism encourages women to behave like psychopathic men (not healthy ones) and I agree with him.
I was successful in my chosen career (marketing and development for arts events) in my twenties and early thirties, but burned out and quit my full time job in 2019 in large part because of a poor ability to deal with personality disordered people (in particular older women -- hell hath no fury like a narcissistic aging would-be "artist" scorned) and because I was exhausted by "Woke" culture. I had a bunch of contract gigs lined up, but they were cancelled due to Covid. But in 2020, I met and married my husband, and I was pregnant by the end of the year. I JUMPED at the opportunity to become a STAH mother, and fortunately we were able to afford for me to do so.
I love it and have no desire to return to work. I'm pissed that other women tried to convince me that the worst thing in the world was being barefoot and pregnant in a comfortable dress in a kitchen. Audiobooks and podcasts make that kind of thing awesome. I love that not working allows me to sleep in or write or read in the morning (my toddler gets up between 9am-10am) and to cook at home, and spend an entire day doing stuff like making a big batch of pasta sauce using the ancestral receipe and techniques from my Italian side. My neighbourhood has a daily parent and child hangout, which has been a social lifeline and helped me (and my daughter) make friends who live in our new neighbourhood. And then Substack and Discord are my major intellectual outlets. It would be much harder to be a STAH mother without technology, without the option to write and find other people who share my nerdy niche interests, and without the in-person community I'm very lucky to have (my husband and I both have lots of family around as well, which is rare today).
Most of the married-with-kids women who are still working have told me they wish they could afford to quit or could find part-time work instead, or wish they could have taken longer maternity leaves. Many of them are the primary breadwinners in their relationships, however, and it's not an option. A lot of women are waking up to the lies feminism sold us -- but generally speaking, these are women in relationships with good men.
There's another unfortunate aspect to the influx of women into higher education and white-collar workplaces; girls mature faster than boys. This means that girls have a significant cognitive advantage during grade school, which gives us an advantage in college admissions, and then into careers. However, over the course of our 20s, many men start to "catch up" to us. Women's grade school performance often gives a false impression of what their adult capabilities will be (obviously not in all cases, but generally speaking) and we end up in careers we aren't necessarily suited for -- while men who would have succeeded in them are not given the opportunity. Add to this the brain rewiring of motherhood -- I noticed a significant dip in my semantic memory, processing speed, and mental math abilities with motherhood, which would have absolutely affected my performance if I were still at work.
> In conclusion, feminism will not die with a catastrophic cultural revolution [as much as feminists fetishize books like The Handmaid’s Tail], it will die with a the groaning of old cat-ladies whose ideas of independence and girl power have been rendered entirely irrelevant by economic, technological, and ancient evolutionary forces.
It's time for some Monday morning misogyny before I get to work.
I am a good guy. I have been completely alone and independent (financially, socially, etc) since age 20. I have made a six figure salary for fifteen years now, and have a (pre-covid prices) house's worth of cash in a pile in the bank. It is there, because all I have ever wanted to do is meet a sweet woman, build a home together, raise some kids to be decent human beings, and have a boring wholesome life.
I am now 35 and live alone with a cat. I have been on two dates in the last five years. Every past partner I've had has lied to me, stolen from me, cheated on me, and generally taken advantage of me. I spend probably a thousand bucks a month on various 'put yourself out there' things, everything from going to the coffee shop on a work afternoon, to spending hundreds of dollars on concert tickets. Everywhere I go, there are only two kinds of women: women who are married to guys who they are there with, and women who are massive fuckin' whores and won't give me the time of day because I'm short and stout (strong, not fat; I was fat, now I'm strong), instead of tall and thin.
I have spent the last several years wondering if there's even a point to sticking around on this earth, and I've concluded that no, there is not. I don't want to be alive anymore. And yet, I find joy in the little things, and that's enough to keep me going.
The biggest little thing?
> it will die with a the groaning of old cat-ladies whose ideas of independence and girl power have been rendered entirely irrelevant by economic, technological, and ancient evolutionary forces.
When I'm 50, I'll be rich. I will have an empty, sad life, but I'll be able to do rails of coke off of strippers' giant tits with all the money I didn't spend raising a family. When they're fifty, they'll be sad and miserable. They won't be employed, because employers lose patience with incompetence when it's not hot anymore. They won't be dateable, because nobody wants to _date_ a 50 year old, they want to _have been married for 30 years_ to them. They won't have a family, because they were dumb enough to believe you can still safely have children after 30. They'll be fat, because they never learned to cook (that would've been sexist) and they eat trash. They will die, sad and alone, completely unloved. They'll just croak in their houses, and nobody will notice until their cats have already eaten them.
And when that happens, I'm going to go to their funerals and laugh in their family's faces. You asked for this. You got it, good and hard. Hope you had fun.
And maybe, just maybe, at that time, the pendulum would have swung enough that I can swoop up one of the 24-year-olds on Tiktok who say they just want to be kept women, freed from the burden of work. But for all those womens tik-talk, they're still loading up Tinder on Friday night and fucking random strangers, so I'm not optimistic