Me Ne Frego
Recent events have made the general population no longer willing to submit to violent progressive coercion.
June 13th 2024 will be remembered in American History for generations as the day that a violent extremist attempted to assassinate the national frontrunner for president. With the failed assassination attempt, many questions are left hanging regarding the gunman’s ultimate motives.
The results have been indisputable. The behavior of progressives immediately following the assassination attempt has been downright deplorable. The perception of public sentiment adhering to the coercive power of leftwing Marxists has likewise fallen by the wayside. For over a decade the threats of their accusations have held substantial power in the public sphere.
The infamous violent leftwing extremist “Destiny” has been banned from several platforms and thoroughly dressed down in the legacy media for his violent rhetoric and abhorrent behavior.
Multiple individuals have lost their employment on twitter after calling for additional progressivist violence following the assassination attempt in what the progressive left once called “consequence culture.”
Much of the general public has dropped the pretense of entertaining progressive delusions and accusations for the sake of their own safety.
Simply put, the pretense of the progressives are falling flat. Historically progressives make appeals to morality by twisting definitions. “If you’re against racism, you have to agree with me… also white people are evil and standing against racism means standing against whiteness.” These types of word games were successful because no one in the population wants to be accused of being [bad thing] so as a means of self defense they adhere to the progressive framework. The movements of the modern dissident right were born out of a rejection of progressive frameworks.
As time went on, progressives sought more and more power by expanding their definitions to include things like “micro-aggressions” being indicators of racism or sexism and “not letting them abuse children” being redefined as child abuse or neglect. Their definitions reached a fever pitch by the election of 2016.
For nearly 8 years the progressive left has been able to name anything that they, personally, do not like as fascist. For nearly 8 years dissidents to their totalitarian thought control have had to speak in soft tones and under false names lest they be overheard.
Since 2020, however, momentum has been waning for the Marxists hiding beneath the banner of progressivism. “Change is good for its own sake” is losing value as an argument. Yet accepting any of the pre-conceptions of humanist ideals leads one inevitably to hair-splitting with the progressive left.
Then their rhetoric got the presidential front-runner shot. As far as the public concerned, enough is enough. “If being supportive of the individual liberty to offend makes me a Nazi, so be it.” appears to be the new sentiment of the general public. Much of the general public now no longer gives a fuck. A general rejection of progressivism among the young was already well underway with a resurgence of church attendance and explorations of classical literature. The progressive left is aging, and aging at a dangerously high rate of speed.
The progressives will only grow more extreme [and potentially violent] in their rhetoric as they lose power. For the most part they have the attitude of childish schoolyard bullies who are no longer getting their way. Expect temper-tantrums.
Dealers like bullet proof everyone may be worth considering given the behavior we’re likely to see out these full grown children when they realize that their ability to coerce with words has evaporated.
> For nearly 8 years the progressive left has been able to name anything that they, personally, do not like as fascist.
They've been doing that for a lot longer than 8 years, although I'll grant the point that it only seems to have become truly successful in the last 8 years.
But I recall during some deep dive or other, reading a communique from Communist International from the 1930s instructing their cells in the west to slander all non-communist politicians as 'nazis'. This has been a tactic (and, more importantly, a cynical and intentional tactic) for going on a hundred years now