Jul 17Liked by Copernicean Kelly

> For nearly 8 years the progressive left has been able to name anything that they, personally, do not like as fascist.

They've been doing that for a lot longer than 8 years, although I'll grant the point that it only seems to have become truly successful in the last 8 years.

But I recall during some deep dive or other, reading a communique from Communist International from the 1930s instructing their cells in the west to slander all non-communist politicians as 'nazis'. This has been a tactic (and, more importantly, a cynical and intentional tactic) for going on a hundred years now

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It's a very common tactic, especially among the modern elite-aligned Left. They're so physically powerless that coercion through rallying and shaming are their only methods of enforcement. It appears that people have had enough.

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