19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoLiked by Copernicean Kelly

It's Viktor Orban that recently commented on how the rarefied view of reality via war is what has the power to take down narrative dominance. In between heavenly myth and earthly jihad there might be, as you say, where manly propriety and honour codes can find their place once again.

I have my doubts for the short to medium term. Liberalism believes it is above myth, jihad and propriety. Asabiyyah is necessary for propriety maintenance, and Liberalism directly attacks this even without intending to. Israel's impunity to attack negotiators, ambassadors, civilian infrastructure, and lie all day about it (namely, not care about Bushido) is backed ultimately by the addiction to Liberal and Enlightenment myths and self perceptions as well.

Certain habits/spells will have to die first, before warrior code sanity can return. Liberalism has proven it can stretch "kick the can down the road" a-hole refusal to accept reckonings a very long way. In the meantime, the times are a reminder to square and stay square with our Maker, if like in Gaza the reality is starker that this day might be our last. To live a life that whether we are to die in 50 years or today, that we do the same things because they have the most meaning in Eternity.

PS. Evola's interpretation of the Iron Age is that it signals when Bronze Age heroism will not return or it will not be effective, until the entire cycle restarts. But then heroism will not be as necessary anyway, as the "Kingdom of God" within will be a lived reality.

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