I'll have to write a 'how-to' article at some point. One foot in, one foot out of the corrosive civilization. Best methods in the West for building something that'll outlast its host culture.
Good addition to other recent works on this topic, like Johann Kurtz's "It's embarrassing to be a stay at home mom" & "Liberal societies dont have kids", and Joseph Bronski's "Leftism has happened before". Btw what do you think of those articles, if you have read them?
The Bible repeatedly shows that most people only learn lessons the hard way. This will be no different. Earth's population will fall by half by the end of the century because first worlders aren't having any children and third worlders won't be able to feed themselves. Only after they suffer the consequences brought about by demographic collapse will people understand what caused it and how to prevent it.
That's true at the macroscale. At the microscale many of us are already very well positioned to ensure our own communities and microcultures are in a position to grow to prominence.
With Japan, fertility crashed after female legal equality.
"Going through pregnancy and being chained to a child for years on end is just too dangerous of a decision for her to make, so she never really makes it. A man must make the decision for her."
"In the ancestral environment, attempted reproduction is likely to be fatal unless a man is in favour of it. For a woman to want to reproduce, she has to feel herself securely property, securely owned."
What would be your analysis of the Hasidic Jews in New York City?
This is a religious community in a deeply urban jungle that have an average fertility of like ~10 and other than citing jewish dark magic I frankly have no idea what to make of it.
Maybe it's like a situation where the cultural technologies they employ are just so mind-bogglingly powerful that they overwhelm the cities influence?
One of those technologies is like extreme patriarchy and basically forcing women to become mothers... which I mean spells really bad news for the future of the urban monoculture because logically the groups that DON'T employ the same sort of technology just won't reproduce enough.
Great question. My synopsis is below based on my immediate thoughts on the matter, though I have no citations. Also note that the above correlation regards national averages and not the behaviors of specific communities.
Regarding Hasidic Jews:
They're a people so well adapted to urban living that rural farm-work is inherently repugnant: Trade, mercantilism, banking, gold-smithing. Socio-Darwinian forces have selected for a people very robust in the face of extreme urbanization... but who exist solely in isolated enclaves surviving on the good will of a host city and milking it for its economic output. Likely related to how they keep getting kicked out of nations throughout history.
Those that do live in cities (and remain high in fertility) are nearly all hyper-isolationist and tribal. That creates a social buffer. An "our people" and "outsiders" situation. Additionally, you'll note that many of their children who leave the Hasidic community see an immediate equivalent decline in birth rate. Thus it appears possible to create a highly insular clan that's spiritually separate from the urban psycho-social trauma... but you have to keep it socially isolated to mimic a rural village. Psychologically you do it by creating a spiritual ethos where your own people are seen as human, while all others are seen as animals or cattle... which generates certain repetitive patterns of resentment every 6 generations or so.
I'll take a look... women have always been extremely susceptible to social pressures. State violence is required to enforce a state of egalitarianism, not the other way around.
Insightful. I always worry about the “just-so”ing of these sort of questions but you do a pretty good job of sticking to symmetry breakers between them and other groups to justify what is different with them as a whole.
While I don't disagree on principle.... that appears to be a result of over socialization and a breakdown of group socio-psychology. There are (a few) predominantly rural populations with female education that still maintain reasonable fertility. Of course the nature of the feminine role in society is much more strictly enforced than in urbanized/atomized societies. That's why I brought up Kazakhstan as a fascinating counter example.
There's often a correlation to economic shocks. There's numerous populations in history that have undergone severe trauma and still retain functional fertility rates. Urbanization closely correlates to both terrible ideologies gaining prominence and fertility decline below replacement. Part of the reason is that far more women choose 0 children and no family when atomized away from a community, and there's no patriarchal order to keep them in line as legalism and managerialism predominate highly urbanized societies. The fact that the same percentages of women have 1, 2, 3, 4... children... it's just women having 0 children grows massively as a demographic. Clearly it has to do with the midwit psychology and what happens when that collective psychology becomes socio-psychologically unbounded.
Gotta say, I really like the way in which you write in such an obtuse fashion. I have to read your comments twice to understand them, but they're generally good comments. I appreciate it.
Well if ever I needed encouragement to move up to the mountains of Hokkaido this essay was it. Time to start packing ;)
Another great essay Copernican.
Maintaining life and a bloodline outside the apparent scourge of urbanization should be a priority for all of us.
I'll have to write a 'how-to' article at some point. One foot in, one foot out of the corrosive civilization. Best methods in the West for building something that'll outlast its host culture.
Good idea! I’d love to read that!
Good addition to other recent works on this topic, like Johann Kurtz's "It's embarrassing to be a stay at home mom" & "Liberal societies dont have kids", and Joseph Bronski's "Leftism has happened before". Btw what do you think of those articles, if you have read them?
I'll look into those, thanks.
The Bible repeatedly shows that most people only learn lessons the hard way. This will be no different. Earth's population will fall by half by the end of the century because first worlders aren't having any children and third worlders won't be able to feed themselves. Only after they suffer the consequences brought about by demographic collapse will people understand what caused it and how to prevent it.
That's true at the macroscale. At the microscale many of us are already very well positioned to ensure our own communities and microcultures are in a position to grow to prominence.
The Chinese say it too. We're entering a period of decentralization.
With Japan, fertility crashed after female legal equality.
"Going through pregnancy and being chained to a child for years on end is just too dangerous of a decision for her to make, so she never really makes it. A man must make the decision for her."
"In the ancestral environment, attempted reproduction is likely to be fatal unless a man is in favour of it. For a woman to want to reproduce, she has to feel herself securely property, securely owned."
I support Honor Killing & TND.
Much of the islamic world is also suffering demographic collapse. And the far east. I think maybe you're responding to the wrong article?
I just wanted to say Nigger.
Thank you,
I will now behave & edit out the autism.
Akarlin (fag now) pointed out no place with electricity gets to 3+ TFR.
A lot of those Islamic places have educated women - esp abroad among elite?
C & SE Asia have had a strong demographic revival of late.
Like Indonesia/Malaysia.
Killing Muslims, taking their women & eating Boar are part of my religion.
What would be your analysis of the Hasidic Jews in New York City?
This is a religious community in a deeply urban jungle that have an average fertility of like ~10 and other than citing jewish dark magic I frankly have no idea what to make of it.
Maybe it's like a situation where the cultural technologies they employ are just so mind-bogglingly powerful that they overwhelm the cities influence?
One of those technologies is like extreme patriarchy and basically forcing women to become mothers... which I mean spells really bad news for the future of the urban monoculture because logically the groups that DON'T employ the same sort of technology just won't reproduce enough.
Great question. My synopsis is below based on my immediate thoughts on the matter, though I have no citations. Also note that the above correlation regards national averages and not the behaviors of specific communities.
Regarding Hasidic Jews:
They're a people so well adapted to urban living that rural farm-work is inherently repugnant: Trade, mercantilism, banking, gold-smithing. Socio-Darwinian forces have selected for a people very robust in the face of extreme urbanization... but who exist solely in isolated enclaves surviving on the good will of a host city and milking it for its economic output. Likely related to how they keep getting kicked out of nations throughout history.
Those that do live in cities (and remain high in fertility) are nearly all hyper-isolationist and tribal. That creates a social buffer. An "our people" and "outsiders" situation. Additionally, you'll note that many of their children who leave the Hasidic community see an immediate equivalent decline in birth rate. Thus it appears possible to create a highly insular clan that's spiritually separate from the urban psycho-social trauma... but you have to keep it socially isolated to mimic a rural village. Psychologically you do it by creating a spiritual ethos where your own people are seen as human, while all others are seen as animals or cattle... which generates certain repetitive patterns of resentment every 6 generations or so.
Jim mentions the isolation angle, but it's impossible for an extroverted elite-striving people.
The 6 generations thing is interesting
I'll take a look... women have always been extremely susceptible to social pressures. State violence is required to enforce a state of egalitarianism, not the other way around.
Insightful. I always worry about the “just-so”ing of these sort of questions but you do a pretty good job of sticking to symmetry breakers between them and other groups to justify what is different with them as a whole.
Female education in general and Women going to college acutely.
While I don't disagree on principle.... that appears to be a result of over socialization and a breakdown of group socio-psychology. There are (a few) predominantly rural populations with female education that still maintain reasonable fertility. Of course the nature of the feminine role in society is much more strictly enforced than in urbanized/atomized societies. That's why I brought up Kazakhstan as a fascinating counter example.
There's often a correlation to economic shocks. There's numerous populations in history that have undergone severe trauma and still retain functional fertility rates. Urbanization closely correlates to both terrible ideologies gaining prominence and fertility decline below replacement. Part of the reason is that far more women choose 0 children and no family when atomized away from a community, and there's no patriarchal order to keep them in line as legalism and managerialism predominate highly urbanized societies. The fact that the same percentages of women have 1, 2, 3, 4... children... it's just women having 0 children grows massively as a demographic. Clearly it has to do with the midwit psychology and what happens when that collective psychology becomes socio-psychologically unbounded.
Gotta say, I really like the way in which you write in such an obtuse fashion. I have to read your comments twice to understand them, but they're generally good comments. I appreciate it.
While true, it also can act as a gate keeping the ignorant out.